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Actionable alternative insights to

Alternative data insights
All live and alert
Reputation management
Live ranking for all stocks across all markets and indexes
Perceived ESG insights
CEO approval ratings
All publicly listed companies
Trust facts for cryptocurrencies
For investors
For hedge funds
For fundamental investors
For quantamental analysis
For quantitative analysis
For private equity
For consultants
For the best companies
Atlastic.AI is technology that empowers data-driven companies to make better-informed decisions. To connect millions of dots, gain a deeper understanding of the outside world, avoid risks and unlock value. We provide comprehensive alternative perception data, intelligent insights, and the platform to assist the best hedge funds, banks, private equity teams, consulting firms and companies to perform better.

Our proprietary technology combines live global media data from millions of news sources, sophisticated enrichments by powerful AI’s, speed and scalability, and provides the user with easily accessible insights on corporate trust, perceived ESG, product success/failures and more. Use the Atlastic platform or integrate our alternative solutions into an existing data infrastructure to stay ahead of the curve.


Find: Start with the world’s most extensive crawling of news media data. Across all locations.

Understand: Then add unique AI enrichments to help understand cultural and linguistic diversity, implicit contexts, biases and ambiguity.

Scale: Absorb that this is done for an unlimited number of companies and brands. At the same time – and continuously. That’s what we call scaling

Relate: Put the insights into context and connect them to other dimensions. Relate, correlate, compare, benchmark.

Predict: Take out triggers and signals and predict actions.


The signals

Identify and track the correlations between corporate trust and other variables, e.g. share price and use the data set to spot valuable casualties.


news sources covered


crawling operations per month




AI enrichments a day

Enriching in


news segments

Enriching in


ESG dimensions

Atlastic.AI technology

Matured over many years of scientific research and engineering, Atlastic’s technology is built to bring media perception signals in real-time to the professional user, meaning no-code and no-quant needed. Whether it’s about corporate trust, reputation, ESG, or simply media presence: Atlastic combines the data, the AI’s and the UX-optimized platform to analyze the perceived value of any of e.g. the +50,000 publicly listed companies in real-time. is combining 6 advanced AI systems to derive deep insights – extracted from a wide variety of millions of news sources and enriched for easy and quick understanding. Deep learning is used for structure and context, making it possible for users to correlate data with other relevant events.

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products analyzed per month


locations analyzed per month


people analyzed per month


events analyzed per month


organizations analyzed per month